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Products will be shipped from USA and Canada.
USA and Canada orders take on average 2-5 business days. For faster shipping, add a note to your order or Contact Us.
Yes, we accept international credit cards and debit cards and can ship internationally. Shipping time: USA and Canada orders take 2-5 business days. International shipments are usually received within 7 business days, barring customs delays.
We accept PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Shop Pay, Google Pay, Four Buy Now PayLater, and Visa Electron.
USA and Canada orders take 2-5 business days. International shipments usually arrive within 7 business days, barring customs delays.
You can check your order status by adding your order’s Tracking number here.
Yes, you can change or cancel your orders if you receive damaged products.
es, you can exchange your orders. Please contact us.
You can find sizing information on the Product page in front of the Description tab.
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If you receive a damaged product, please contact us. We will replace the product.